J Lou's Blog

Bold outbursts of communication…

Timeline: history of social networking websites

Social networking has become increasingly popular in recent years, with the introduction of websites such as MySpace, Bebo and Facebook. Most individuals can now access each other all over the world, simply through using these social networking sites. Craze’s and trends have led these sites to become the new online ‘fashion’, especially amongst the younger generations.

Here is a timeline detailing how these social networking sites have elated:

1995: Classmates.com was created by Randy Conrads, which helped members find old friends and acquaintances from primary school, secondary school, college etc.

1997: Sixdegrees.com was based on the Web of Contacts model, users could keep in contact with friends and families within their first, second and third degrees. Also finding their connection to any other members on the site.

2002: Friendster was introduced by Johnathan Abrams and Cris Emmauel, to allow members to contact each other and maintain those social contacts. The social networking site was also used for dating, new events, bands and hobbies.

2003: Hi5 was founded by Ramu Yalamanchi. The site operates an online profile for users, showing their interests, age, and profile picture. Users can post comments on others.

2003MySpace became the most popular social networking website within 2006, whereby users could create an online profile through html. Members could reveal their emotions, hobbies, interest, music interests, post blogs and comment other members profile. MySpace however was overtaken by Facebook with its popularity in 2008, now MySpace is now mainly used by bands and music lovers.

MySpace logo

2004: Facebook was created by a Harvard University student, Mark Zuckerberg and his room mates. Facebook provides members with an online profile, whereby you can upload photo albums, update status’, add friends, post messages, create events and groups, and join networks, such as the cities you live in. Facebook has become increasingly popular, in January 2009 Compete.com ranked Facebook the most used social network used globally.

Facebook logo

2005: Bebo (Blog early, blog often) created to provide users with a profile whereby members can comment and leave messages on friends, families and acquaintances profiles. Younger generations generally use Bebo, whereby they can post blogs, complete their friends polls and post music videos which reflect their music interest.

2006: Twitter is a relatively new social networking and “microblogging” site, where members can post and read 140 word messages. These messages are known as tweets. Members can follow each other, and keep up to date with each other. Celebrities, such as Katie Price and Peter Andre, use this social networking site so fans can follow them on a more personal level and can gain an insight into their lifestyles.

Twitter logo

2010: Googlebuzz is the latest of the social networking sites. Google designed this social integration site in competition with Facebook and MySpace. Googlebuzz is a messaging device, created by google through using gmail. Users can share messages, get involved in threads, upload pictures and videos.

February 11, 2010 Posted by | Media, University Work | , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment